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What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is the world's most common endocrine disorder.  Normal control of blood glucose is essential for good health and well-being. Blood glucose levels are maintained within the normal range as a result of the effects of a hormone called insulin on various tissues and organs in the body.  If the concentration of blood glucose strays above the normal limit, as it does in untreated diabetes, serious and sometimes fatal consequences can occur.

Insulin is produced by specialized cells called “ß-cells” that are located in the pancreas.  The pancreas is an organ that is approximated in size by the length and width of a person's index (2nd) and 3rd fingers put together.  The pancreas is located behind the stomach and releases enzymes into the digestive system to aid in digestion as well as hormones into the bloodstream to control blood sugar levels throughout the body.  In the healthy body, when blood sugar levels get too high, special cells in the pancreas called beta cells release the hormone insulin into the bloodstream.  Insulin causes cells to take up sugar to use as energy or to store as fat.  This causes blood sugar levels to go back down.

Diabetes is a disease that has reached epidemic proportions in developed countries around the world.  It has been estimated that one of every five people born after the year 2000 will develop diabetes in their lifetime.  More than 16 million Americans already suffer from this disease.  Diabetes is manifest by the loss of the ability to control the amount of sugar (glucose) present in the blood (

It is estimated that approximately 6 million people in Canada and more than 80 million in the US currently have prediabetes.

There are two major subtypes of diabetes: Type I and Type II.

Type I diabetes accounts for about 5% of all diabetes cases. Type I, also known as “insulin-dependent” diabetes, occurs primarily in children and young adults. This form of diabetes results when a person’s immune system destroys the insulin-producing beta cells by mistake. Once the insulin-producing ß-cells have been lost, the person loses the ability to make sufficient amounts of insulin and diabetes results.

Type II diabetes, which accounts for 90-95% of all diabetes cases, occurs when a patient's ß-cells are unable to produce enough insulin to compensate for the insulin resistance that has developed and matured in various tissues and organs in their bodies, including muscle, liver, and surrounding organs.

Insulin Resistance occurs both in prediabetes as well as in the major forms of diabetes.  Insulin Resistance results when insulin does not act as effectively on target tissues such as adipose (fat) and muscle.  As we age, insulin resistance tends to increase.  The active ingredient in AXULIN helps cells respond more effectively to insulin, thereby reducing the amount of insulin that the body needs to make in order to achieve the same level of blood sugar control.  In Phase 1 Clinical Trials, volunteers who took AXULIN showed a 46% reduction in circulating insulin levels as compared to volunteers given the control substance.

Importance of Treating Early

Happy senior woman Uncontrolled diabetes is associated with numerous chronic, life-threatening complications, such as an increase in strokes, congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, heart attacks, cancer, chronic kidney disease, amputation, eye disease that can lead to blindness, and liver complications.  Diabetes is also associated with degeneration in the central nervous system, leading to dementia.

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What is Prediabetes?

Before individuals are diagnosed with Type II Diabetes, they generally show symptoms of “prediabetes”.  Blood sugar levels that are higher than the normal range, but not yet high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes.  Studies indicate that prediabetes, if unchecked, will progress to diabetes in 6-40% of individuals within 5 years, depending on other risk factors, such as body-mass index and lifestyle-related risks.

Prediabetes is a growing area of concern.  Forestalling or even preventing the progression from prediabetes to diabetes is highly desirable and would be very beneficial.  As insulin resistance and elevated blood glucose can be detected earlier, a safe treatment that can normalize prediabetes offers a potential diabetes preventive measure. Treating prediabetic individuals early to revert, prolong, or prevent their progression to diabetes would significantly enhance the quality of their lives and have a significant impact on the lifetime cost of their healthcare.

What AXULIN Can Do For You

Happy young female runner jogging outdoors

AXULIN can form the basis of a healthier lifestyle for individuals with prediabetes, metabolic syndrome, or Type 2 diabetes.  Combined with common-sense changes to one’s diet and lifestyle3, AXULIN may help to prevent the progression of prediabetes to Type II diabetes.  When used in conjunction with moderate exercise, dietary improvements, and appropriate lifestyle changes, AXULIN may offer Type II diabetics an alternative approach to managing their diabetes without requiring expensive prescription diabetes drugs with their well-known side effects.